Boost Your Confidence With a Permanent Weave

Boost Your Confidence With a Permanent Weave

Conceal your hair loss or alopecia in Middletown, DE or Baltimore, MD

Whether you have genetic hair loss or have been diagnosed with alopecia areata, finding bald spots can make anyone self-conscious, especially if you're someone who likes to show off your unique personality through different hairstyles. Regain your confidence and feel good about your hair again with help from Melessa's Weave Palace. We provide cranial prosthetics, medical wigs, toupees and toppers to cover balding areas and make your hair look fuller.

Have you been diagnosed with alopecia and don't know what to do? Click for a free consultation.

Feel good about our process

At Melessa's Weave Palace, we want you to feel comfortable discussing your hair loss with us and confident that we can find a solution for you. Our technicians will sit down with you in a private one-on-one setting to analyze your scalp. Depending on your level of hair loss and the sensitivity of your scalp, we can suggest different weave options to suit you.

Feel your best with a full head of hair. Connect with us today to get started.